Friday, September 16, 2011

Quick life update

Hello blogging world. Ive been lacking a bit on blog posts for about a month, oops, but i promise to get back into the swing of things again.

The month of September hasnt been overly exciting, as I havent travelled anywhere due to the fact that there are no festivo days (long weekends) in the month of September. However my life between Oct - Jan will be filled with excitement and travel.

In October Ill be travelling to the beautiful city of Cartagena with my friend Leo. We´ll be going during the festivo long weekend in the middle of the month, and be staying for about 4 days.

First of all November is going to be a kick @$$ month for 3 reasons: 2 long weekends in the month, a visit from a very special friend, and a trip! At the beginning of November (during the 1st long weekend of the month) my best friend Lauren will be coming to visit me in Medellín!! Im very excited to see her, as this is the longest we´ve ever gone without seeing each other. Im also excited to show her around the city, and some places just outside of Medellín. Then during the 2nd long weekend of the month Ill be heading back to the caribbean coast with Leo and my friend Sara to visit Santa Marta. A popular beach destination especially for Colombians, since it´s pretty cheap (Cartagena is not).

Then comes the best month of all for me here: December. December is going to be an amazing month for a few reasons:

1. Christmas celebrations in Medellín are incredible. The city decorates itself with thousands of colourful lights, especially along the river, where the entire city is lit up during the month of December and a part of January.

2. I get a month off (paid) from work. booya. Ill be off work from the 17 of Dec and til the 10th of January. This is due to Christmas vacation, and since I work within the university, the university is closed during this time, and we are unable to work (what a shame... haha).

3. San Andrés & Seeing my mom. During my month off in December/January Ill be spending 2 weeks on a Colombian island with my mom! My mom is going to fly down and meet me in San Andrés, so this will be her first time in South America as well as in Colombia!

And finally, as of yesterday I know the date when Im coming back to Canada! Ill be flying back on the 9th of February 2012, and since it´s an overnight flight, ill be back on Canadian soil on the 10th!

So that´s it for now, a quick life update of whats to come over the next couple of months!

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