One thing that Spanish people dont really eat is Peanut Butter, and a couple weeks ago I was talking with one of the API people and she mentioned that she had never tried Reese's Pieces before! So I got Lauren to bring a few packages of Reese's Pieces for them to try. All of the API staff LOVED Reese's Pieces, as it's something very different from what they're use to normally eating. I also asked her to bring some more maple cookies for them to try, and a tin can of Tim Horten's French Vanilla Cappuccino coffee mix for Patricia, because she visited Toronto last summer and absolutely loves Tim Hortons. When Lauren gave Patricia the Tim Horton's coffee, she got a little teary eyed! It was so cute! I guess it's because the gift was very unexpected, and it's something she loves but hasnt had in a very long time.
A couple days later Patricia sent Lauren and I an email thanking us for the coffee, and explaining she has been having the best breakfasts lately because of the Tim Horton's coffee she drinks in the mornings!
After the API office, Lauren and I headed to the Barri Gothic for some "Chocolate Caliente" (hot chocolate) and churros! On our way to the Barri Gothic we passed a restaurant that had a tv showing the Olympic hockey game between Canada and Switzerland. We got so excited we ran into the restaurant to watch some of it. This was the first time I had seen some of the coverage in Spain, and better yet a Canadian team was on the tv!! A woman from the restaurant came up to me and asked if I needed anything (aka why are you standing in the middle of the restaurant staring at the tv), I quickly explained in Spanish that Lauren and I were Canadian and the Olympics are being held in Canada, and this is the first time we've seen them abroad. She smiled and said it was fine to watch them if we wanted :)
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